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October 2, 2012 to October 27, 2012



Two years ago, I moved from the Brooklyn neighborhood in Portland, Oregon, to the Brooklyn borough of New York City.

The conifers and totem poles of my Pacific Northwest upbringing have been replaced by skyscrapers and scaffolds.

One interesting coincidence in moving to Brooklyn is that the border of Cobble Hill (where I live) and Gowanus (where I keep my studio), is where Iroquois ironworkers and their families settled in the 1950s, when most of Manhattan's skyscrapers were being built. These Iroquois were called "skywalkers" due to their ability to work on the high steel without safety harnesses.

I am interested in the mythic and magical space that towers occupy. Skywalker/Skyscraper meditates on the human preoccupation with “reaching” this space, and the long history of myths and stories that emanate from it.